Sure Idazen!
ToE ForumsOk well...time zone are a pain.
IIRC i may have been one of the first commenter's on the ToE forums about my dislike for the core. After being a member there for some time my opinion was that i was looked down on from many of the members since i did not take part in many of the off topic threads and discussions at the core. I use the core for GC2. Thats not to say i have not used other features, trivia, battle game, but the purpose of me being there is GC2.
Since i rarely took part in other discussions and threads i felt that i was ignored and simply discounted since i was a gc2 person not a core person, if you understand my distinction between the two.
I never bothered bringing anything up, i just didn't care enough, but we did discuss the matter on the ToE forums and many of us felt the same way.
As commish and a mvl player i did not like having to use the core as our meeting area as i felt we were not welcomed with open arms (my opinion) and were basically "allowed" to use their site. Since alot of us do not participate in core activities we are not really "part of the crowd".
There is nothing worse than being on a forum and feeling like your not welcome.
(My opinions here guys.)
Now i had brought up moving the MVL team forums to the ToE site some months ago actually, among the ToE MVL members, but i felt it was wrong for me to try this as i was commish and emperor of the ToE as well as the admin for the ToE forums. Too much conflict of interest for it to be seen as a rational discussion. I feel i can speak openly and give my opinion now i am not in such a conflicted position.
Now i won't admit that i am biased and would love to have all you guys members of the ToE forums and have the MVL forums there too, but just as a MVL players if i could have the team forums away from the core, i would. The core is no longer focused on GC2, so why be there.
I'd rather being hanging out with fellow GC2 players on a GC2 site. Kzinti mentioned it would be ideal having the team forums here, i agree. If that were possible that is where i would want them, not ToE. But since that is not possible i'd rather the forums be on a GC2 site.
So yea, i think the core is snobbish. I think many of the people there, though they smile and nod, mutter under their breath "great...GC2 people...go away we dont care about that game anymore".
Lets be somewhere we people do care about the game.
Someone asked about the old ToE forums? Kzinti i think? The server we were with crashed and for whatever reason the hosts did not have forum backups like they advertised. So all forums on that host were lost. Thats why we moved.
As for the ToE forums not being around forever. Well thats a valid concern i guess. But what makes anyone think the core will be around forever too. I am in the process of either this month or next, upgrading the ToE site to a payed forum. We will have our own .com, @tyrannyofevil email and file hosting services. Also the level of customization that comes with having a payed site. How fast this happens depends on how quickly i learn all that stuff.
The ToE forums will be around for as long as the MVL is, that is for sure.
So my vote, although admittedly biased, is to move the forums to ToE. The MVL will be among friends.
Edit - Seems Idazen edited his post whilst i typed my thesis....