Actually I want to make an announcement that some people are aware of but I want to make sure that everyone is aware of.
The MVL Admins have had a private forum on the
Tyranny of Evil web site for quite awhile. The purpose of this forum is mostly to be able to discuss scores prior to announment so that there was agreement among multiple independent score calculations to avoid errors in the announced results.
At one point it was mentioned that this could be considered to be the beginning of some kind of smoke filled back room where secret decisions get made, which really wasn't accurate but obviously when things are secret then the question comes up why it needs to be.
The answer is that it really doesn't need to be secret and so Neilo changed the permissions so that this forum is viewable by all. It still can only be posted to by the Commissioner, Vice Commissioner, Score Keeper, Rule Keeper and Commissioner Emeritus (with all these titles I can see the potential worry about a back room committee making secret decisions), but now at least everyone can read it and see what's going on. This forum is the
MVL Parliament.
As a minor aside I have been keeping a list of the current round's submissions and this list is all set up with links to each MVL member's MV character and I generally keep this relatively up to date with the current state of the rounds submissions.
Anyway this is something that I've found to be a great convenience, particularly the links to everyone's MV character, and I've decided to share this information with everyone. Please do not presume that this is in any way official or that I'm trying to usurp the function of the Official Scorekeeper. Kzinti is the official scorekeeper and keeps his own tally. I assume he uses my input along with the input of others to verify his results but it is his results that are official, not mine.
With that stated this still can be useful information that can help each team strategize and since I'm doing it for myself regardless of what anyone else does I figured that I may as well let other teams see the same information.
In any case this is viewable at the
Current Round Submissions thread. Feel free to check in as often as you like but generally the usefullness of this thread becomes greater later in the round once a good portion of the league has submitted their games.