Firstly, a VERY nice hello to you all. Secondly, don't be alarmed - I didn't come to flood the forum. I read mostly all I was able to find on Galactic Civilisations 2 and quite some on the first iteration (that I didn't play). I'm also one of those who suffered incredible dissapointment becouse of MoO3. When i read about Galciv II I was surprised to find exactly what I was missing.
Now, to make this story short; I like mostly all I read about this game and only have one question; has it been at any time considered to implement space-battles in the style of Nexus:The Jupiter incident? That's the game that was supposed to be Imperium Galactica 3 but ended as a tactical space fleet simulation.
Nexus has the best and most immersive space battles EVER seen on any sort of computer, but it has no grand-scale strategy at all. That's why it is just not what I was looking for and I don't recommend the game to anybody who is into empire building (which is what GC2 is all about). Anyway, the crossbread of GC2 and Nexus would defintiely be one of the greatest games of all times, so I just stopped to ask if that game is familiar to the developers of GC2 and if such combat was ever considered for any of the GC iterations.
I believe the Nexus engine already includes everything your system of shields/weapons would need.
Please don't take this post as an insult or anything, I think GC is already more to my liking than Nexus could ever be. And I intend to buy this game as soon as it hits the market.