Around half a year ago I got GC2: Ultimate which contained the two addons Dark Avatar and Twillight of the Arnor.
Back then it wasn't even the question what to play, as ToA is newer and thus better, right?
Well, after a couple of games I noticed there's a lot of oddities. The praised AI wasn't doing as well as it should.
I went to the forums and read a really long-thread in the modding section just before getting into modding myself.
What I found was this: The introduction of race-specific tech-trees and buildings in most of the cases was the explanation of poor behaviour. Why? Because it wasn't done properly. There are so many logical errors within the tech-trees that one could talk about a huge mess. My estimate was that someone would have to sit down for 2 months or more in order to fix and test everything.
I sure didn't want to be this person.
So after not playing GC2 for ... well, since then. I just today came over it, when looking at the games I have.
I remembered the problems I had and was thinking: How about the addon before the introduction of the race-specific-tech trees?
So my question is: Does someone actually remember the days of this addon? Did he notice anything besides the tech-trees that are in ToA but not in DA?
Or is there even someone who, despite having ToA, plays DA for the exact reasons I have called out in this post?