So on a forum called Civfanatics there is a type of game called Realpolitik. I think it would be cool to adapt the rules for a GalCiv2 game and wanted to see what you though.
Example of Realpolitik:
Great idea, I'm in. I think the Kushana Initiative sets a great example of how to play it-simple but lots of fun. Sanbox politics; someone puts forward an idea, then everyone votes and that's that. Personally I think we should just leave it at forming parties to advocate certain policies; voting to see whose in charge can get messy.
I haven't done much, but the game is still grate. Ill take a stab at talking to people once again.
On to which I agree with Nerdy, no real leader since that would cause confusion. But a modified version to fit Galciv should be fun.
Definitely in. My only concern is that the forums here seem a shade quieter than at civfanatics, and so we might not get quite as many players.
This sounds awesome. I read through the Kushana Initiative thread, and it looks like a cool idea. I'd probably be able to contribute/vote if someone started the game.
Heck, if anyone's still interested in this, I could host the game. It would just take a week or so before I could actually start playing the game. If no one answers by then, I'll just drop it.
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