Lemme guess: the long, multi-colored bar is tech victory.
Yep, version XW05F had all the TradeGoods "outside" the pathways on purpose (even in the weapons, btw) to focus players' attention on what's new... but, now (as initially intended) the tricky slowdown of key research nodes is activated!
If anyone reaches Tech-Victory with that DA tree, they are extremely smart & efficient gamers, since not only the number of obstacles are there but also for WHAT effects these have on abilities & PIs upgrading patterns. To give you a simple hint, the Apocalypse Mega-Primus thread will give players a huge puzzle to solve.
Not counting Enhanced Espionage stuff, Terraforming & Extreme (of the real but weird kind) colonizations.
I'm still stuck on the new Invasion tactics with Tanks, Subs & Grenades, etc but that has more to do with the extra Troops modules necessary which won't load up anything aboard transports -- but i will probably find another indirect way to integrate this stuff with Espionage too... maybe in XW07+.
(PS; Sorry for hi-jacking your thread DSep but it was the only way for me to ask for the I-Mod tech-tree tool!)
(PS2; I also use "Image Shack"... steady & reliable, fast & user friendly.)