I don't think this problem was always here, but while playing tonight, i went to eat dinner...3 times. each time i came back, i found that when i brought my pc back from screensaver, TA had crashed.
i took a look at my debug.err and noticed a 2 things:
1. it seems like it's looking for an EU registration on startup...i don't have EU!
2. "Debug Message: WM_CLOSE message received." <----i didn't tell it to quit. i think the bug is that the game receives a close message when windows goes into screen saver. (i have XP so i don't know if it happens in vista)
here's my debug.err
Debug Message: *********END dxdiag info.*********
Debug Message: Entering WinMain
Debug Message: ******* Starting Game Shell *******
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GC2EU
Debug Message: Preparing to change display settings.
Debug Message: Using hardware vertex processing
Debug Message: Using multilsample setting: D3DMULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLES
Debug Message: Attempting to create D3DDevice at resolution 1024 x 768, Windowed: 1, Multisample: 4
Debug Message: Game Resolution: 1024 x 768
Debug Message: Running in windowed mode.
Debug Message: HAL (hw vp): ATI Radeon X300/X550/X1050 Series
Debug Message: Refresh rate: 0
Debug Message: Bit Depth: 32 bit.
Debug Message: *********Checking D3DDevice Caps***********************
Debug Message: A full-color cursor is supported in hardware at high resolution modes.
Debug Message: Border size reported as 6 by 32
Debug Message: RGB in format 6:6:6, Masks reported as ff0000:ff00:ff
Debug Message: Now windowed.
Debug Message: Shell initialization complete
Debug Message: GalCiv2 is activated.
Debug Message: ***** Initializing Game *****
Debug Message: Timer Frequency is 0 b25f4cb0
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GC2EU
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\Galactic Civilizations II\GalCiv2\./Data/ShipTemplates/\*.shipcfg
Debug Message: Initializing sound card.
Debug Message: initailizing bink
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock\TotalGaming\Galactic Civilizations II\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar\Movies\techs\*.bik
Debug Message: No files found matching mask Movies\techs\*.bik
Debug Message: No files found matching mask Gfx\Tutorials\*.bik
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Documents and Settings\Dovie\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\Gfx\Movies\*.bik
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Documents and Settings\Dovie\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\sfx\*.wav
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Documents and Settings\Dovie\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\Music\*.mp3
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Documents and Settings\Dovie\My Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\Event Music\*.mp3
Debug Message: Create setup screens.
Debug Message: Clear galaxy settings.
Debug Message: Clear influence.
Debug Message: Clear up laws.
Debug Message: Clear first time events.
Debug Message: Clear wonders and trade goods.
Debug Message: Clear sector mapper.
Debug Message: Set mouse.
Debug Message: Set update timer.
Debug Message: WM_CLOSE message received.
Debug Message: GameUninitialize start
Debug Message: Killing Galaxy
Debug Message: Killing threads.
Debug Message: Kiling civs.
Debug Message: Killing ships.
Debug Message: Killing rallypoints.
Debug Message: Killing misc objects.
Debug Message: Killing stars.
Debug Message: Killing anomalies.
Debug Message: Killing asteroid fields.
Debug Message: Killing asteroid field mining bases.
Debug Message: Killing space resources.
Debug Message: Killing ascension crystals.
Debug Message: Killing colonies and planets.
Debug Message: killing scenario.
Debug Message: Clearing Turn Event Log
Debug Message: Clear galaxy settings.
Debug Message: Clear influence.
Debug Message: Clear up laws.
Debug Message: Clear first time events.
Debug Message: Clear wonders and trade goods.
Debug Message: Clear sector mapper.
Debug Message: Clear data definitions.
Debug Message: Killing ship styles:
Debug Message: Killing Galaxy: Completed
Debug Message: Shutting down sound system.
Debug Message: Clearing sound and music handles.