So on my first game, beginner difficulty of course, I'm playing the Terrans, and decided to send my first colony ships out to find some better planets. Before I knew it, the Thalyn's (i think, or something like that) snuck in and took Mars. Instead of working towards Invasion, I decided to try seducing Mars back into the fold through influence.
First, I built a couple of embassies on Earth, and got it's Influence up around 66. Then I built an influence starbase and loaded it up with all the influence modules I had researched. So then, I looked up that I needed 4 times the planets influence, so I worked up my espionage and found out that Mars is generating 4 Inf. . ..FOUR! The planet is completely in my space, Earth could hit the planet with a rock, and its over 15 times the influence, and I have two influence starbases that have Mars within its circle. So why have they not even threatened to attack the starbase?
Thanks in advance for the help