Having played around a bit with GalCiv 2, adding mods, even creating mods, and playing the game extensively, I have decided it would be fun to write an AAR. So here we are.
This AAR will have no grounding in the cannon backstory. It will use a custom race and what mods I have (most things by Mr. Pants), as well as my custom-made tech tree (mostly tweaks, plus some added variety between the ethical alignments and a couple new techs).
The objective: As the only Good race in a galaxy full of Evil races, the Dai-Gurren Dan (Great Gurren Brigade) must break through the impossible and conquer all who would destroy them. No quarter will be given by any side! Who do you think we are?!
The galaxy:
The Dai-Gurren Dan:
The Anti-Spirals... erm, I mean, Bad Guys:
All of the races are at most 35 on the ethical scale, and at least 55 agressive, with the Iconians being the nicest and least agressive and the Korath being the worst. All enemies have +20% abilities and 70% finances, and normal intelligence.
Stat wise, the Thalan and Kourath are probably the scariest enemies as they are using my custom heavily min/maxed build with Mr. Pants' racial penalties mod. Let's just say that giving the Kourath clan "Can't colonize any planets except normal and Toxic" results in a pretty sick build. Meanwhile, the Thalans can't colonize any special planets at all, but have the most off-the-chart production values you can possibly imagine.
And that's the setup; the game will begin soon.
Oh, and if you are looking for a "happy" ending... well, my hunch is that I'm gonna get destroyed, so...