Ok, so people have been talking about the Agent mechanics for a while. I don't know how plausible the missions thing with % chance is, but I have an idea that might spice things up and fix one of the problems I have with the current system.
First, the problem: I don't like how you can automatically and quickly get High Espionage level with 3 Agents. It's just too fast and means that you can very quickly get full information when you need it. Thus, I propose the following fix:
Allow players to place Agents on Initial Colonies or Capitals. Instead of deactivating that tile, they would begin to accumulate intelligence exactly as in Dread Lords. As an added bit, you could assign multiple Agents to multiple worlds' Colonies for a faster accumulation of intelligence. Additionally, as normal, the opponent could eliminate the Agent with one of his own, but that would mean NOT using the Agent to either stop an enemy Agent on a real improvement or doing damage of your own.
I understand that the power of the Agents must be limited based on what the AI can handle, but maybe this is plausible. Thoughts?