I don't know whether this has been reported before but I'll post it anyway.
During the Achilles' Heel mission I found due to a coincidence that I could view the Dread Lords ship design screen by pressing the "i" key while having their planet selected. I could even use the "Back to planet" Button to view that too (they were terraforming but had only their capital and a starport).
This exploit works for my allies too. I haven't tried this in sandbox mode but suspect this also works there. And on a very connected note: selecting the "Civilization Manager" while watching another races planet will freeze the game in such a nasty way that it was impossible to alt-tab out of it or get the taskmanager to come up (was running the game in fullscreen mode). The only thing I could do was to reset my PC.
If you do want a savegame I can send it to you but this should be reproduceable.