SanChonino currently has 104 karma from 70 submissions.

View karma SanChonino has given
Karma Received
  1. Feb 03, 2009
    Pragmatism vs. Intellectualism
  2. Nov 20, 2008
    I'm just sick. And tired.
  3. Nov 15, 2008
    DeskScapes for XP
  4. Sep 19, 2008
    So this is goodbye...
  5. Sep 17, 2008
    Yikes! And we care what the world thinks?
  6. Sep 15, 2008
    Honest queries for the Palin supporters of JU.
  7. Aug 27, 2008
    Hillary: Hall of Fame
  8. Aug 21, 2008
  9. Aug 18, 2008
    Back to Hawaii
  10. Jul 23, 2008
    Luke Goss the real star of HELLBOY 2
  11. Jul 16, 2008
    Anyone Else Tired Of "JESUS" articles?
  12. Jul 15, 2008
    Is racism still alive and well in the US?
  13. Jun 28, 2008
    For Some of Us
  14. Jun 21, 2008
    How I damaged myself
  15. Jun 17, 2008
    My Thoughts on How NOT to be a JU Leper
  16. Jun 14, 2008
    It's a Bee...
  17. Jun 13, 2008
    Pixeleo having birthday
  18. Jun 10, 2008
    A day at the train station.
  19. Jun 09, 2008
    Masturbation is having sex with someone you love
  20. Jun 04, 2008
    Cultists of the world, Unite!!!
  21. May 31, 2008
  22. May 31, 2008
    Disabling Spore Ships?
  23. May 29, 2008
    How do I get karma?
  24. May 27, 2008
    what do points mean?
  25. May 20, 2008
    It's quiet...
  26. May 19, 2008
    Various and sundry happenings.
  27. May 17, 2008
    My Thoughts on How NOT to be a JU Leper
  28. May 11, 2008
    My Thoughts on How NOT to be a JU Leper
  29. May 10, 2008
  30. May 09, 2008
    Back in the clutches of my love.
  31. May 08, 2008
    Angel and Testimony 4
  32. May 08, 2008
    Madrid, part VIII.
  33. May 07, 2008
    Madrid, part VIII.
  34. May 06, 2008
    What's The Hurry?
  35. May 02, 2008
    That time with the murder and stuff.
  36. May 01, 2008
    That time with the murder and stuff.
  37. Apr 30, 2008
    Make the World a Better Place?
  38. Apr 30, 2008
    Thumbs Up!
  39. Apr 30, 2008
    That Thon-th-th-thon-thong
  40. Apr 29, 2008
    Thumbs Up!
  41. Apr 29, 2008
    Thumbs Up!
  42. Apr 29, 2008
    Thumbs Up!
  43. Apr 29, 2008
    Thumbs Up!
  44. Apr 29, 2008
    Thumbs Up!
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