I am trying to change my username to 'daemonspudguy', but the page says that name is taken. I can't find anyone with that name.
Try adding a number at the end see if that works..
Both daemonspudguy and daem0nspudguy are the same person.
Let me know which one you are logging in as so the other can be deleted. Users are limited to one account...
daem0nspudguy is the only account I have access to, I don't know what email daemonspudguy was on.
Actually shows as same email...same user name...daem0nspudguy is the older/earlier one.
Oh God that's weird. Can you get rid of 'daemonspudguy' so this account can be properly renamed?
Only by IP ban ...and both are the same IP so both will be blocked.
I think you're stuck with whatever you login to ...
Here's a thought...
Logout from all Stardock sites....clear cookies....and login again with the "correct" 'daemonspudguy' spelling ....probably the same password and see what happens. Both spellings belong to you.
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