Lawsuit? Freedom of speech. Offensive? That's the point. Child? Children say "f###" every day.
Freedom of speech is just fine, but that video defames a company and everyone who works for them and I don't think they will like that, it's called "Defamation". But then again, I am not a lawyer (thank goodness).
As far as children and the "F" word, well let's just say I evidently have morals, and sadly that a vast majority of the human race is becoming sicker and sicker every day. When I hear anyone say a foul disgusting and useless word like that, I let them know about it. There are so many other words that could be used available in the English language. He could have just said "We don't care."
I am still a firm believer in morals and politeness, and the days of washing your child's mouth out with soap... (well, maybe not that far)...