Turn 312 arrives and with Tech Progression II completed I have an unenviable choice to make. There's Advanced Space Weapons, which would take 14 weeks. It would unlock more powerful weapons, something that I'm sorely lacking at the moment. It would also add more offensive starbase modules (which cost a bit of cash to add, and require Battlestations II). Or, I can go for Advanced Starbase Construction and Starbase Fortification afterwards, which unlock much less powerful starbase modules (since yours truly nerfed them) that are free and only need Battlestations.
At the moment, the Drengin are going to wipe out starbases either way. Being able to manufacture more powerful fighters might keep me in the fight.
Enhanced Logistics would take 6 weeks and would do me little good because the Drengin have already finished Advanced Logistics. I have to try and repel them at my planets, where I actually have a slight advantage, and then think about taking the fight to them.
Warp Drive (9 turns) for a +1 speed bump is a good idea, because one of the problems I currently face is that my ships are too slow to escape the Drengin death squadrons and escape to a fortified planet. But before I do that, I need to be making ships with better weapons. Advanced Space Weapons it is, then, and another nail-biting 14 weeks.
Turn 319 and I'm still waiting for research to finish. Unfortunately, the Yor have pulled out of the fight, they see which way the wind is blowing and stupidly agree to a peace treaty with the Drengin.
Turn 321 brings more bad news, one of my high-influence planets has fallen to the Drengin.
On turn 327 I choose Particle Beams. I want to go for Harpoon, but if I keep losing planets the extra firepower isn't going to do me any good. Besides, I have to get to Medium Hulls to stay competitive.
On turn 346 I've got finished with Particle Beams and Basic Miniaturisation, which I needed to fit two particle beams per small hull. I've cranked up the production, so it's going to take a while to get to the next tech milestone, especially since I lost one of my productive research planets. The Drengin are basically owning the galaxy, and I don't see that changing any time soon. While I've been struggling just to keep up, they have mastered Large Scale Building. So I expect to see some battleships coming my way.
Turn 356, the Yor have delcared war again. I decide that the only way I'm going to have a chance is if I eschew research and put everything I have into production.
By turn 370 I have been able to negotiate peace again with the Yor and I'm continuing to produce fighters. I'm able to stave off incoming fighters thanks to my numbers in orbit, but this means I'm lacking research progress.
Turn 379, it becomes clear that three-fighter squadrons are not going stop Drengin frigates, and I retire.