Welcome, one and all, to this thread. The purpose of this thread is to put life back into this forum. As I am sure many of you have noticed, there has been a gradual dissaperance of writers. Threads left unfinished ( ), readers finally abandoning great posts. The Play by council threads (and "AAR of a Tyrant") have breathed more life into the forum, but that is just a temporary fix. If we don't do something, soon our forum will be empty again(once the PBC craze is done). I also think that a major reason writers don't finish, or even start, their AARs is because they have no idea how to continue. I know that is why I stopped one of my first threads. So, this thread is for prospective writers to pitch ideas and help each other out. An example would be, Writer A has no idea how to work an event in to his/her story. Writer A would post on this thread, "I just had a random event that I can't figure out how to work into my story. My thread is _(Link to Thread)_ and the event I am having trouble with is _____(Describes Event)________."
Then, after reading Writer A's AAR and thinking about it, Writer B might have an idea about how to fix the problem. Writer B would then QUOTE Writer A's post and describe how he/she would work the event in. If writer A likes the idea, then problem solved! No more half-finished AAR's and a happy (and Active) Forum.