PR is a scam in its own right...
Unless you plunge millions into an ad campaign on Network Television(s) while crossing fingers people still enjoy being constantly interrupted on Prime Time tightly scheduled propaganda gimmicks. Tick 6:00PM, tick 6:10, 6:20, 6:30, 6:40, 6:45, 6:52 --- plouck another loop at the critical tuning in of the hours.
Hypnotic, content. The joke's on potential consumers.
For example, this Labor Day monday there was Star-Trek remastered marathon on Space... and it's soooooo weird to suddenly realize how much *REAL* TeeVee the public got in the 60's.
Now, it's more like half the value. I've grown to witness endoctrination of the masses.
Yep, their own PR of... NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, Cable (name it)... your audiences are getting somehow tired & annoyed of it all.
Beer, cars & burgers. A 120 minutes film takes 3+ looooooong hours to watch.
Yep, cultural PR of economics. Welcome to banners and links, the lie game is on - to invade privacy & minds.
Pay per view, ticket stubs, vending machines, highway billboards.
Yep, economic PR of any cultures.
My College teachers didn't offer me a pizza slice for lunch... when i was ungry in class, no matter what brand or who had the generosity or interest to deliver it for a cost. See, you can pay for attention but not if your fuel tanks (stomach or destinations?) are empty.
Ooops, everyone just off an hijacked plane in Mexico. Breaking news on CNN - unbraked by GM.
Stay tuned, PR will soon kick in. Want it or not.