Have not played in a long time and now I can't even start a new game without a crash. After I create a new game and try to start it after the Select Other Races screen the Game crashes to Windows. Please Help.
Also I already Deleted the games and Reinstalled them again and have the same error messages as before.
Debug Message: Version v2.03 Twilight of the Arnor last updated on: Thu Jul 23 11:47:38 2009
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net\GC2EU
Debug Message: Could not query reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net value named Serial No
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GC2EU
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GC2EU
Debug Message: Checking DX Version.
Debug Message: *********DXDiag info follows.*********
System Info
Time: 8/15/2009, 19:22:38
DirectX Version: DirectX 10
Machine Name: DANNY-PC
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2 (6002.lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830)
Languages: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
System Model: EP45-UD3R
BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
Physical Memory: 3326MB RAM
Page File: 945MB used, 5946MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
Display Info
Display device 1:
Device Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Card Name: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip Type: GeForce 9800 GT
DAC Type: Integrated RAMDAC
Key Device: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0605&SUBSYS_14631462&REV_A2
Display Memory: 1907 MB
Current Display Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor Name: HP w2338h Wide LCD Monitor
Monitor Max Resolution:
Driver Name: nvd3dum.dll,nvwgf2um.dll
Driver Version: 7.15.0011.8250
Driver Date: 3/27/2009 10:03:00
DirectX Acceleration Enabled: Yes
Sound info
Sound device 1:
Description: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Default Sound Playback: Yes
Default Voice Playback: Yes
Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0885&SUBSYS_1458A102&REV_1001
Manufacturer ID: 1
Product ID: 100
Driver Name: RTKVHDA.sys
Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.5772
Driver Date: 1/6/2009 20:07:10
Type: WDM
Other Drivers:
Acceleration Level: 1
Cap Flags: 0
Min/Max Sample Rate: 0, 0
Sound device 1:
Description: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Default Sound Playback: No
Default Voice Playback: No
Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0885&SUBSYS_1458A102&REV_1001
Manufacturer ID: 1
Product ID: 100
Driver Name: RTKVHDA.sys
Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.5772
Driver Date: 1/6/2009 20:07:10
Type: WDM
Other Drivers:
Acceleration Level: 1
Cap Flags: 0
Min/Max Sample Rate: 0, 0
Debug Message: *********END dxdiag info.*********
Debug Message: Entering WinMain
Debug Message: ******* Starting Game Shell *******
Debug Message: Could not query reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\Drengin.net\GalCiv2 value named Language
Debug Message: Going Fullscreen
Debug Message: Preparing to change display settings.
Debug Message: Using hardware vertex processing
Debug Message: Using multilsample setting: D3DMULTISAMPLE_4_SAMPLES
Debug Message: Attempting to create D3DDevice at resolution 1920 x 1080, Windowed: 0, Multisample: 4
Debug Message: Game Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Debug Message: Running fullscreen.
Debug Message: HAL (hw vp): NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
Debug Message: Refresh rate: 60
Debug Message: Bit Depth: 32 bit.
Debug Message: *********Checking D3DDevice Caps***********************
Debug Message: A full-color cursor is supported in hardware at high resolution modes.
Debug Message: RGB in format 6:6:6, Masks reported as ff0000:ff00:ff
Debug Message: Now Fullscreen
Debug Message: Shell initialization complete
Debug Message: GalCiv2 is activated.
Debug Message: ***** Initializing Game *****
Debug Message: Timer Frequency is 0 da7a64
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Stardock\Drengin.net\GC2EU
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\./Data/ShipTemplates/\*.shipcfg
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\shiptemplates\*.shipcfg
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ObjectDesktop\DesktopX
Debug Message: Initializing sound card.
Debug Message: initailizing bink
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar\Movies\techs\*.bik
Debug Message: No files found matching mask Movies\techs\*.bik
Debug Message: No files found matching mask Gfx\Tutorials\*.bik
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\Gfx\Movies\*.bik
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\sfx\*.wav
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\Music\*.mp3
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\Event Music\*.mp3
Debug Message: Create setup screens.
Debug Message: Clear galaxy settings.
Debug Message: Clear influence.
Debug Message: Clear up laws.
Debug Message: Clear first time events.
Debug Message: Clear wonders and trade goods.
Debug Message: Clear sector mapper.
Debug Message: Set mouse.
Debug Message: Set update timer.
Debug Message: No files found matching mask ./Data/*.xml
Debug Message: Clear data definitions.
Debug Message: Killing ship styles:
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\shiptemplates\*.xml
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2./Data/English/\ShipStyles\*.xml
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\ShipStyles\*.xml
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar./Data/\FleetFormations\*.fleet
Debug Message: No files found matching mask ./Data/\FleetFormations\*.fleet
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar\Gfx\Planets\C0*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask Gfx\Planets\C0*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/1SideN*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/1SideE*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/1SideS*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/1SideW*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/2SideN*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/2SideE*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/2SideS*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/2SideW*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/3SideN*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/3SideE*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/3SideS*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/3SideW*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/4SideN*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/4SideE*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/4SideS*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask gfx/Terrain/4SideW*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/1SideN*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/1SideE*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/1SideS*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/1SideW*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/2SideN*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/2SideE*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/2SideS*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/2SideW*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/3SideN*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/3SideE*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/3SideS*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/3SideW*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/4SideN*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/4SideE*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/4SideS*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\DarkAvatar/gfx/Terrain/4SideW*.png
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\./Data/ShipTemplates/\*.shipcfg
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Users\Danny\Documents\My Games\GC2TwilightArnor\shiptemplates\*.shipcfg
Debug Message: Reading Star Names
Debug Message: Reading Star Names... Done
Debug Message: No files found matching mask ./Data/English/Tutorials/*.xml
Debug Message: GalaxyWnd: Cannot find OBJID Scenaro_MoreDetails_FText
Debug Message: GalaxyWnd: Cannot find OBJID Scenaro_Details_FormattedText
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\Mods\Default\Data\CustomMaps\*.gc2map
Debug Message: No files found matching mask ./Data/English/Scenarios/*.GC2Scenario
Debug Message: No files found matching mask C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\GalCiv2\Mods\Default\Data\Scenarios\*.gc2scenario
Debug Message: CustomPersonalityWnd: Cannot find OBJID Personality_Special_Title
Debug Message: CustomPersonalityWnd: Cannot find OBJID Personality_Special_Disctiption_Spinner_Back
Debug Message: CustomPersonalityWnd: Cannot find OBJID Personality_Special_Disctiption_Title
Debug Message: Creating Galaxy
Debug Message: Killing threads.
Debug Message: Kiling civs.
Debug Message: Killing ships.
Debug Message: Killing rallypoints.
Debug Message: Killing misc objects.
Debug Message: Killing stars.
Debug Message: Killing anomalies.
Debug Message: Killing asteroid fields.
Debug Message: Killing asteroid field mining bases.
Debug Message: Killing space resources.
Debug Message: Killing ascension crystals.
Debug Message: Killing colonies and planets.
Debug Message: killing scenario.
Debug Message: Clearing Turn Event Log
Debug Message: Clear galaxy settings.
Debug Message: Clear influence.
Debug Message: Clear up laws.
Debug Message: Clear first time events.
Debug Message: Clear wonders and trade goods.
Debug Message: Clear sector mapper.
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net\GalCiv2UL
Debug Message: Could not open reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net\GC2EU
Debug Message: Could not query reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE\Stardock\ComponentManager\Drengin.net value named Serial No
Debug Message: Star Frequency: 3 Max Num Stars: 97
Debug Message: Planet Frequency: 4 Max Num Planets: 388
Debug Message: Galaxy Size Set: 8 x 8
Debug Message: Creating Random Map
Debug Message: Creating Random Map... Stars
Debug Message: Star Density: Scattered.
Debug Message: Number of Unplaced Stars: 0.
Debug Message: Creating Random Map... Planets
Debug Message: *************** Failed To Place Planet ***************
Debug Message: *************** Failed To Place Planet ***************
Debug Message: Total planets placed: 65
Debug Message: Creating Random Map... Anomalies
Debug Message: Num Anomalies: 300
Debug Message: Creating Random Map... Resources
Debug Message: Creating Random Map... Ascension Crystals
Debug Message: Creating Random Map... Done
Debug Message: Distributing bonuses on planets...
Debug Message: Creating Random Map... Asteroid Fields
Debug Message: Setting Game Options
Debug Message: Creating Civs
Debug Message: Terran Alliance: Intellence -> 65
Debug Message: Error flipping back buffer to primary buffer.
Debug Message: Device lost
Debug Message: Attempting to reset device.