The description in DA is that it provides the 100% econ gain and also FLIPS planets (and I guess fields) at first opportunity.
In actual play, the MCC provides the advertised 100% econ gain, but it STOPS flipping. Oh, I've had one or two fields and maybe one planet flip anyway, but that's it. So, stats-wise, it's ~0%.
If making the MCC work as advertised would be too unbalancing, fine. I just wish that either:
1) Make work as advertised, 100% econ + flip gain,
2) Advertise as only 100% and remove the flip PENALTY,
3) Remove the 100% econ gain and RESTORE the flip gain, and describe it that way,
4) Create a new building, one for each attribute, OR
5) Leave it as is but describe the MCC as an econ gain BUT at the LOSS of flipping.
It is unfair to players to mis-describe a building, learn of the problem, and not fix it one way or another.
Why not add a higher-cost weapon advertised/described to work against both armor and shields, but actually works only against armor?
Why not add an improvement upgrade that reduces colony maintenance costs, but actually it increases them?
Why not add a super Hyperion shrinker that adds another 35% space, only it really just adds 10%?
Leaving the MCC bug unaddressed and allowing the in-game mis-description to remain is wrong.