I apologize for the bolding-I don't mean to be rude, I'm just making points.

*I hope I didnt word my thought in a bumbling confusing way*.
You did, actually.
You're talking about having military funded, social funded, a ship building, and nothing in the social queue. (Technically this works without a ship building, but if you have no ship building, what's the point of your military funding-or your social funding for that matter, since the queue's empty?)
Then you're talking about using focus-which takes 25% of A, 25% of B, and gives 20% of A, 20% of B to C (except in the case of social <--> military where it's 50% and I believe 40% but I haven't tested the depreciation with those two specifically).
The part where it gets messy is that focusing on social will decrease your military output, even if nothing is in the social queue, as you're essentially forcing the game to use that social. I'm unsure if it is returned to your treasury due to being unused to actually build anything at this point or not. I'll test that later.
There's really no good reason to do this, however, as most people using the unused social production going to military production mechanic are running a very low rate of military funding (think 1-10%), and subsequently a very high rate of social funding (50-99%). Some people will run research relatively high with military at 1% and therefore keep social lower, but the bottom line is this: You're telling the game to take away from your lowest funded production(s) (military and research) and give to your highest funded production (social), and, to put it mildly, that doesn't make any sense.
The short answer to your question is that you're doing it wrong. If you want more production to go to military, then focus on military. This has the added benefit of giving you military's bonus to any focused production (but not the production from social that is transferred over due to being unused), and in either case you're spending that money on military production anyway. You will however spend slightly more this way, though lessened by the bonus, and perhaps of more concern is being unable to focus on research at the same time as this.
Alternatively, fund social higher and focus research.