Cameron Mitchell: What the hell did you just say?
Daniel Jackson: We're Americans. Please shoot the people chasing us!
Col. O'Neill: Listen, I gotta ask you something. It's not easy for me.
Maj. Kawalsky: We're friends.
Col. O'Neill: If you don't make it... can I have your stereo?
Dr. McKay: You'll only have 30 seconds to release it before it explodes, you need to get as far away as you can.
Maj. Sheppard: Get as far away from the nuclear explosion as possible. That's good advice, Rodney. Thanks.
Dr. Beckett: What shall I say?
Lt. Ford: Uh…uh…"I miss you"? "I wish you were here"?
Dr. Beckett: I wish who was here?
Lt. Ford: I don't know. Who do you wish was here?
Dr. Beckett: Nobody! I wish I wasn't bloody here!
Col. Caldwell: Can we submerge the city again?
Dr. McKay: It's a city, not a yo-yo.
Maj. Lorne: Wow, you must really be some kind of genius.
Dr McKay: Well, as a matter of fact I, wait a minute, why would you say that now?
Maj. Lorne: Something has to have kept Col. Sheppard from shooting you all this time.