ok im just wondering but how does he do it
Annatar has more karma than all the other players i have seen combined
ZubaZ is silent about his karma (on other site)
He fills a big syringe full of rainbows and shoots up.
You sure that it wasn't to eet after he was having his way with you in IRC?
Zubaz is the man! All hail Zubaz the Karma King!
Eets can have my body, but he will never have my soul!
^ Robin Hood: Prince of Theives.
Thats right, yarlen has your soul and eets has your body and SINS has your mind. As evidenced by your MASSIVE karma.
One Karma under stardock.
And then there shall be cookies...
I've got +1 Karma!
Finally all my pointless ideas and postings have been recognized
He got nailed with a Karma torpedo fired from an Orgov.
Envy is a powerful thing. Points to ravok. Personally i think he deserves it. Plus he's been around since this game released. SOOOOO, he's got karma for almost every day this has been out.
He has been around since before it was announced if memory serves.
It doesn't, alas I've been around since beta 2, didn't get to play it until beta 3 though, missed the beta 2 window by a few days
Sad really. I could swear I saw your avatar before beta 1 - oh well now you make me feel real bad...
i dont envy him i just want 2 know how he does it
i like the devile idea
This entire thread wins a karma point for so many "Smiles" emoticons...
than give me karma lol jk i really dont care about karma
Karma is like sanity.
It only matters to people who have it.
*stabs Piznit*
lol NO DONT KILL HIM not until i stab him as well
Does that mean those who have it but don't care about it are insane? If so, I'll take an order on a straitjacket please.
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