If you go to the Metaverse home page, http://metaverse.galciv2.com/ and then under Account select "Edit My Characters" it will show you your currently defined characters. It seems you have setup a character and you have space for two more characters.
To the right of each of your characters there are three buttons, "Edit Player" allows you to change the character name and logo, "Clear Scores" let's you essentially reset a character and underneath that is a blue button that can sometimes be hard to see labelled "Default". Given that you're seeing something under your posts that means you must have pressed the blue "Default" button next to your General Cypher character. In any case once you post games you'll start getting more medals.
The Default button allows you to select which characters medals are displayed with your posts. Once you hit this button you can change your default character to another character but you can't ever delete the fact that one character or anothers medals will be displayed with your posts. The thing is that even if you have no games at all you still get some "default" medals although I'm not sure why you're getting the alignment medal. Usually for a "blank" character you get the cakewalk medal along with and empire medal if the empire is in the top three.
Take a look at my profile for example, http://metaverse.galciv2.com/?g=sdnetaccount&acid=2547964. I've recently reset my long time character (Mumblefratz) and currently that character shows only the cakewalk medal and the ToE 2nd place empire medal. Once I post a game to that character I'll also get the former 1st place medal since that character had at one time been the top MV character.
In the meantime I simply set my "default" character to Toshiro Mifune where I have the only DL game to ever reach 1 million points. There are a number of DA games that have been over 1 million and there has also been a single TA game that achieved over 1 million as well, which happened to be posted by another ToE member (Magnumaniac), remember quality not quantity.
In any case the purpose of MV play is to have fun and scoring high in the MV is fun to some but not everyone has to see it the same way. The bottom line is that the ToE has some of the top players in the game that are willing and able to give you some great advice to help you achieve your goal whatever it is.