I've bought the whole package for 60$ (GC2+DA+TA) and played through the whole campaign set of GC2 and DA. Now I just got to TA and am starting to get used to all the changes.
But then it strikes me, as soon as I start moving around on the map (just the screen, not the ships) I get about 3-4 fps.
I check my video settings (automatically set to High) and try medium and low. The performance just got worse(why?).
I tried ticking some settings off myself, but the only way I can get 3-4 fps or more is if I leave the settings at high!
I know TA has higher requirements, but from playing gigantic maps on DA with 4-5 AI's and getting barely any lag to playing a tiny map with 1 AI and suffering immense lag ... theres something not right.
I tried doing searches, found nothing on these forums. Google got me a few threads on sites like gamespot but that didn't have any useful replies.
Any magic option that can make it all go better? (I am patched to the latest version)
My specs:
2.7ghz dual core
1gb ram
128mb shared video ram (integrated graphics* ... sadly)
playing 1280x800 (haven't tried other settings, I'll update later with results).
*I know that the integrated graphics are the bottleneck, but still from what I got in DA to what I have in TA ...