Even if someone could send me a save game or profile file(not sure how it works) just so I can load it to see what custom ships the person has built , this would also help me decide what technology I should be researching.
I'm guessing the Apoca question had been asked many times then
. I just made the best of a couple of google results I found and pieced together a strategy from a non campaign faq on gciv 2 (Was still decent info though) . Just in case anyone in future has the same problem heres the link, it gives some good info later in the faq about factorys and such
I managed to do apoca on normal difficulty after all but it took me a long while , after getting a good few buildings up, factorys and such I then slammed industrial capacity up and research up and rush researched to advanced logistics, then rushed to phasors 2 (I think) , rushed to shock troops. next I changed the slider to favour military and started firing out custom ships I had built(ships had warp drive as well so needed to research that and some hull research)
At this point I needed to curb the DL expansion fast so I had 1 or 2 planets firing out ships and 1 firing out transports and the other constructors. Eventually I took the newest captured DL planets. I then aimed to box the dreadlords in at the planets on the top right of the map. Heres the thing I lost a good few fleets here, I reckon if I waited any longer I would have been dead. I then captured 1 of the final 3 planets , at this point I was weak , luckily the DL must have been as well.
The clinch part was when I got another planet , I got a really good dreadlords weapon and a planet that was ready to pump out ships, I was in the red money wise so I sold the weapon to all the factions, played kinda cat and mouse a bit so all the dreadlord could do was sit in that corner and wait while I kept transports near, by the time I had enough ships the ai sent a fleet up, took a planet and them I grabbed the next one. (Game won)
There was a good part mid game where I researched nothing but this had the positive effect that while I was constantly sending up cannon fodder fleets to the DL, all the other factions ended up getting heaps of tech and I just traded. I know some of you may find this mission easy but this is only my 2nd time installing gciv and about my 4th time playing it and I must admit I found apoca a dam tough campaign mission.
I dont want to spoil the game for anyone but all I will say is I think I will still be playing 2 days from now on a certain map lol, if apoca was anything to judge since Im on a bigger map now. (So so much I could be doing better though I think)
--------Final edit
I managed to finish the game
, the DL Campiagn. On a certain mission I kinda screwed up as I thought the dreadlords were one place and they were at another. As it worked out I had 1 colony left in a remote area of space and the ai never came near so what I ended up doing was teching up to a tech victory only to find it doesnt do squat in the campaaign lol (I thought that would be it , victory hehe). That didnt work so I spent like half a day getting the vast majority of techs and I created 1 monster ship, lol toal crazy stats and it wiped out everything. Anyway its done and dusted so I cant wait to try the expansions but I posted anyway just in case another newbie trys the same with a tech victory! hehe