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Had to untick the pre-release box (since SDC update process was showing
up a 0.99(RC).001 file which, btw, looped up a few times on me before i
realized a Release version could very well be somehow THE final thingy
- duh!) to get the real stuff with 1.90.018.
Sooooo, some early comments - not that important and yet may be of use to the staff.
The very first thing i do once i get to have anything i buy is to READ
whatever guide is provided; it's almost a ritual, something precious
and inevitable. Nice front page, guys. Content looks pretty much
'Avatarishly Dark' only though; so this extra essential asset will need
to wait, i guess. Not to be critical of course as i understand what
your terrible priorities were in the last few weeks.
Actually, what i wanted most with that invested ca$h is the all
inclusive and swift editors to ease my modding attempts, and i must say
- you have fulfilled this wish 250%++; as a result, anyone trying to
mod their juicy designs will fall in an editing paradise. No more,
blinking columns of Notepad popups, No more, tricky typos (well, just
as well a better way to prevent errors or foolish mishaps!). No more,
flaws of design. And -- everything else this new situation has given
us, like a tightly wrapped_boxed_golden_ribboned gift.
I believe i'm gonna be quite busy for a few days. And what if there's
some tiny buggy gimmicks creeping in, i can count on Central to
accompany me on the road to code_perfection and fun.
As of now... i am seriously locked up in a Galaxy worth every seconds
of my X-Com'ish imagination and duties. Ascending to gameplay heaven,
shot at by Jenna's best, comparing a tech or twelve, and waiting for a
Terror_Starry device to reach war-(d)hell - i'm sure i just skipped a
few of many others.
Thanks, people. And, i will once again stress on a last thought; at
29.95$US, Twilight of the Arnor is an absolutely In-Cre_Di!Bl-E deal.