Thanks for trying to explain, but honestly, I'm still lost. I think the problem is that the answer must be so obvious to you, that perhaps you aren't explaining it at a basic enough level for me to understand.
When the enemy was no longer a viable threat, I traded peace for more goodies and switched to a mostly economy stance.
That's the last sentence I understood. After gobbling up a bunch of planets, you took a breather from war to integrate the new planets and rebuild infrastructure.
Then you started switching from one 'all' to another and I don't understand why.
No factories exist.
neither labs, nor factories exist.
When you say 'no factories or labs', does that literally mean NONE of your planets have any factories or labs? When you say 'No factories exist,' that literally means NONE of your planets have any factories?
I'm fine with playing with sliders. I go to 100% research all the time when I play, but I don't rebuild my primary infrastructure to match.
I do understand that economy buildings play a big role. Money is the foundation of the entire gameplay. So your money infrastructure stays constant while you are switching between 'all factory','all labs', and 'all economy'?
When you in 'all factory' mode, your planets only have factories, economic buildings and farms? The sliders are no research, 92% social, 8% military.
When you switch to 'all labs', you destroy all the factories and replace them with research buildings? The sliders are 100% research.
When you switch to 'all economy,' you destroy all the factories and labs?
That's what it sounds like you are saying to me. I'm having an extremely hard time understanding how that could possibly work.
The amount of money/time/micromanagement spent transitioning from one 'all' to another must be ridiculous.
In my current game, 35 of the 119 planets are pure production. 20 of 119 are pure research. The rest is pure money. So let's add up 35+20 and say that 55 of my planets do the work. Transforming 55 planets from all factory into all labs would take a ridiculous number of turns to accomplish. In that time, I could have won the game if I played normally.
How do you transform all labs into all economy anyways? Since you have no factories, you have to first rebuild the factories in order to build more economic buildings??
I must be missing something really obvious, but it just doesn't make sense to me!