I was wondering if it is better to specilize a planet to econ, research, military, etc or keep them general on the very big maps.
With either strat you would still have deticated worlds on which you place your various capitals.
The maps I am thining of are the bigest maps with abuncent everything and tight clusters.
I have heard arguments either way with reguard to the average scale maps but no commonets on maps were you have a surplus on worlds to grab.
Wither erither strat you sujest incluced how you chose to use a world. What do you use the small worlds for (1-5)? medium, large, huge, etc. Do you typical chose a worlds use by tile bonuses or its size.
What I have been doing so far is to make my 1-9 worlds into research worlds, 9-12 into production worlds and the 13+ into econ worlds, with 3 extra planets for my research, manufacturing and econ capitials, chosen by size, tile bonuses and location. Only the production worlds have starports. Exceptions are made for worlds with large + production bonus tiles. Meaning a rank 6 with a +700 become equlivent in a sence to a rank 13. I typicaly play with max # AIs and minors all set to inteligent. All worlds get one factory then their respective buildings.
Please let me know what your thought are on this.