Welcome to the MVL!!A Simple Guide for Players
Hello and welcome to the Metaverse League.
We here at the MVL want to present to you, the Player, a one-stop shop for all the information you may need or be interested in about the MVL. This page is broken up into sections. The Sections are Bold and Highlighted for faster reading, so you can skip down the page to what you want:
Section 1: Brief History and Origins
Section 2: Player/Membership Requirements and Duties
Section 3: Game/Round Setup and Requirements
Section 4: A Beginner’s Guide to the MVL (FAQs)
Section 5: Important Links
SECTION ONE: Brief History and Origins.The Metaverse League was an original idea of Ghostwes in the summer of 2007. The origins of the MVL can be found in this thread,
The Metaverse League is brought to you by the Metaverse Council and is administered by Silverbeacher, the current MVL Commissioner.
The Metaverse League exists as another fun way to enjoy Galactic Civilizations II and to promote camaraderie between players. We thank you for showing interest in joining the MVL but we understand that you may have many questions in what joining the MVL means for you, your team, and the Galactic Civilizations Universe at large.
The Metaverse League at its most simple is group of individuals, broken up into teams, testing their skills against each other on a Metaverse game with a specific set of parameters. One of these games with various parameters is presented roughly once a month, and this is called a Round. The goal of each player and team is to win a game under those parameters in order to win Points for their team. This is the fundamental layout of the Metaverse League; everything else builds on top of that.
To add to the challenge of playing against each other we have implemented various Bonus Points that we award both individually and to teams based on various criteria that we have decided show skill, hard work, talent, or pure strategizing. Currently, we have Bonus Points for highest scores, fastest games, and early submissions.
At the end of a Round, the MVL Administrative team tabulates and tally the points that should be handed out for that Round. The Team with the most points wins that Round and gets bragging rights and a sense of accomplishment.
SECTION TWO: Player/Membership Requirements and Duties.The MVL is open to all players of Galactic Civilizations II. Due to the nature of the MVL we can only use Metaverse games. To join one must only make a post in a MVL thread requesting to join or send a PM to the Commissioner, Neilo. We ask that only those that are serious about playing ask to join. The Commissioner will place you randomly to a Team but it is up to the Player to make a Confirmation, in the form of a submitted MV game, joining your team forum at the Galactic Core, or other communications to the MVL Administration or Team Captains. Continued membership is based solely upon participating in the MVL rounds, though we encourage players to participate in the various MVL discussions that may be open. A Player may select any of his/her Character’s, in an empire or not, for the MVL but must use that character from that point on for MVL games.
SECTION THREE: Game/Round Setup and Requirements.Each Round, lasting one month, is randomly determined by the Commissioner using certain criteria. All MVL games have two main determining factors: map size and victory type. Other criteria, such as the research speed and amount of habitable planets, will vary from round to round. Each Round has its own Setup and Discussion Thread.
Submitted games must be Metaverse and no Cheat Flags can be tripped.
A Player may use any race and set their abilities to whatever they deem useful.
Difficulty level is determined by the current MV medal that has been achieved by that Player. A Player may play at or above that medal. If a player does not have a MV Difficulty Medal than they may choose at what level they wish to play at.
In the future we here at the MVL hope for inclusion in Kryo’s Altmeta. This will give us nearly automatic game submissions and score tabulation, making it much easier on the Player. Kryo’s Altmeta can be found here,
AltMeta and our discussion about inclusion into it can be found here,
The MVL and the AltMeta.
SECTION FOUR: A Beginner’s Guide to the MVL. (FAQs)
So it has to be a Metaverse game?Yes, we only accept Metaverse games. It is partly to maintain a level playing field since no one can use mods/cheats, and also for easy tabulation purposes.
Where Do I Sign Up?We have a Sign-Up thread that can be found here,
MVL Sign up Page.
Generally, a post in any of our threads letting us know that you want to get in on the action is enough. We almost always post a response within a few hours.
Ok, I’ve signed up and got a response; what’s this Core thing I am hearing about?All of our teams have their own private forums located at the
Tyranny of Evil Forums where they can discuss privately and candidly about strategies, game mechanics, and other such materials. While it is not a requirement for a player to sign up at the ToE forums, it is very highly recommended.
Ok, am I ready to play a game?Yes, you are! Just play a Metaverse game using the parameters of that Round and submit it to the Metaverse.
Ok, it’s submitted to the Metaverse; now what?Each Round has its own Official Thread, usually titled “The Metaverse League Round X”. Once you have submitted a game to the Metaverse you can make it your official submission for that Round by posting the game in that Round’s official thread. IMPORTANT: You can play as many times as you want in a Round but you can only make ONE official submission. We count the FIRST submission that is posted in the Official Round Thread as the official submission. We very highly encourage players to communicate with their Team and Captain before posting an official submission out of haste or ignorance.
Well, my game is posted. What do I do now?You could just sit back and wait for the Round to end. The MVL administration team tries to have the scores finalized within two days. Usually, during the course of a Round we have other threads related to the MVL open for discussion. Sometimes we are discussing possible rule changes or alternatives to how the League is structured. Everyone is welcome to participate, and we really want you to! We follow a democratic model and require input from our members to make decisions that affect the whole League.
How does scoring work?Each Round has Base Points and Bonus Points available to either a Player or a Team. 2 Base Points are awarded to a Player for a Win of the Correct Type, but no more than 8 points per Round per Team. Players and Teams that have Wins of the Correct Type are also eligible for Bonus Points that may be based upon Game Score, Game Speed, or MVL Submission Time. There is no limit to how many Bonus Points a Team or Player may receive, the only stipulation is that they have a win(s) of the Correct Type. For more on Scoring, please refer to the MVL Rulebook found here,
MVL Rulebook.
What happens if something comes up in Real Life (RL) and I am unable to participate in a Round or the MVL?We understand that life happens, trust us! Galactic Civilizations II, while incredibly fun, is still just a game. All we ask is that you inform either your Team Captain or the Commissioner that you won’t be able to participate so that we can make sure your Team has an opportunity to still compete.
What do I do or who do I contact if I have other questions or concerns?We are fortunate to have a group of individuals that are very helpful and generous when it comes to aiding each other. Most questions may just be posed right in our forums but if you feel that you would like to keep it more private you can contact your Captain or one of the members of the MVL Administration. We will always respect the dignity and the privacy of our members.
Anything else I need to know?Our standing rules are in our thread designated “The MVL Rulebook”, it is a formalized description of how the League operates and how games are scored. We suggest reading it through to have knowledge of these.
SECTION FIVE: Important Links.The Player Sign-Up and Team Roster -
MVL Player Sign UpThe MVL Rulebook -
MVL Rulebook The MVL Round Results and League Ladder -
MVL Round Results & League LadderThanks and Enjoy Your Time as a Part of the MVL!
-The MVL Administration Team-
Silverbeacher, Commissioner of the Metaverse League
FireBender, Vice-Commissioner of the MVL
Mumblefratz, MVL Official Rule Keeper
KzintiPatriarch, MVL Score Keeper
-Honorary Titles-
Neilo, Commissioner Emertius of the Metaverse League
-Team Captains-
Mumblefratz, Captain of the A-Team
MarshallONeil, Captain of the Blade Runners
FireBender, Captain of the Celestial Crusaders
KzintiPatriarch, Captain of the Domination of Death
Neilo, Captain of the Eternal Villainy
Good luck to all!
The Commish.