DA is out of beta so thought to bring my list to proper forum section.
UI Issues-- When naming a ship, naming should start from the end of the name. IE. Colony 1, typing should beging after the 1 number , not from the beginning before C character.
-- Technology screen. Thank you for making a zooming possibility, but the zoom should zoom where the mouse cursor is. At the moment it always zooms on a selected tech.
-- Star bases/Constructors should be deselected when clicked elsewhere. Currently I have to select a solar system to deselct a star base/constructor.
-- Same class buildings should always be at the same spot in planetary building list. Current system with changing building names create confusion since the building list changes all the time. Also I would prefer that all wonders would be at the bottom of building queue. Photoshop example:
Buildings-- Right clicking a tech in technology window should give information what exactly does an improvement give. In example Laser II +1 beam damage, size 15 etc.
-- In rallypoint minimap, make the rallypoint different colour or something. It is very hard to spot since its almost the same as planet dot.
-- Selecting a trade route in financial manager/trade screen should make the trade route glow/different colour in the minimap.
-- Trade routes/Mining routes should not be shown in unexplored space. Especially with blind exploration ON. This is fixed in DA? Not sure but I think it is
-- ctrl + arrow camera movement does not work in ship intelligence window.
-- When you select "show ships" in minimap, they are coloured the same as your influence zone. When both of these are selected, naturally you cannot see your ships.
UI feature adds-- In Financial manager screen the Approval rating should be coloured. Photoshop example:
Aproval-- Colony manager screen needs a minimap. Terrible example:
Minimap-- You should be able to select with multiple ships with ctrl/shift buttons from space port and launch many ships at the time.
-- You should be able to select multiple planets with ctrl/shift buttons in civilization manager/colony screen. This way you could easily set multiple rallypoints for multiple planets.
-- Ship building window should have similiar buttons for components (newest,old,all) as does the planetary screen for buildings. Photoshop example:
Shipyard buttons-- I would like to see planet surface on Invasion screen. This would make it easier to choose invasion method.
-- Having a "what do you want from this" choice in diplomacy would make diplomacy much easier. Or atleast give some indication how much your techs/planets/threaties are worth in diplomacy. Very frustrating trying to "quess" how to make a diplomacy deal happen!
-- In financial management screen I would like some more pop ups. In example Leases could use one, to tell how much and when certain leases end.
-- Population growth rate should be shown in pop up or with own box in colony management screen/colonies screen and in planetary screen.
-- A keyboard button for moving all autopilot moves would be more than welcome. Did not GC1 have this assigned to Space bar? Bring it back!
-- There should be a button in the "choose your civilization" screen, which allows you to reset all races to default.
-- Star base bonuses should be show on main UI when selected. Remove class, moves and range from the little box and replace them bonuses that the SB gives. You could even add (number) kinda thing after the bonuses to indicate how many additional components could be installed. Photoshop example:
Starbase info-- Holding down ctrl-button could act like pressing middle mouse button? Atleast in main map and in ship building screen. Pressing middle button is clunky with some mouses.
-- Ship upgrade button for ship yard screen would be nice. Photoshop example:
Upgrade menu-- I would like to see which planets are so called "extreme enviroment" ones in civ manager/colonies screen. Maybe put a little icon next to the mini planet gfx.
-- A way to give Fleets to AI in diplomacy screen or an option to mark your ships etc as gifts.
-- There should be graphical icon for ships that are in guard, survey or eplore mode. This when you have zoomed out of tactical view on the map.
Please feel free to add your own UI improvement ideas or comment myn. DA final has very limited UI improvements against GC2, something I hope can be tweaked with upcoming patches.