It's been 4 months since the last post and v2.02 is out. The same thing is still happening. COME ON STARDOCK! Did Brad ever correct the Drengin, Korath, and Yor personalities? (I know he puts alot of time still into working on this type of stuff, so not to sound like I'm being impatient) They still do not expand out anywhere that could 'possibly cause a defection 2 game years down the road'. Aren't the Yor Immune to defections (or very very difficult to make defect), so why on God's Green Earth would an AI trait like that be on the Yor???
This bug completely destroys the game when playing on anything of a map 'Large or larger'.
I'd recommend emailing them the bug report here: support@stardock.com. If they receive enough emails, they may try to get it fixed asap.
FEEL FREE TO POST THIS MESSAGE IN YOUR E-MAIL: Dear Stardock, as of version 2.02, evil races still do not expand. Per the thread on the forums at: https://forums.galciv2.com/318189/page/3/#replies, Stardock has acknowledged it is a bug and not a 'feature'. Stardock stated: "The AI personality used by the Drengin, Korath and Yor is not colonizing planets in space where the influence ratio is high enough to cause a defection." and Stardock stated as a proposed fix: "Since it obviously does hamper their ability to expand, we may have to add an additional check for how far out of the AI player's ZOC is the planet, etc instead of just the influence ratio." This is, to many players, a game-breaking bug on largers maps. Please post on the forums the status of this issue, or what was done, or if anything will be done at all. I urge you, along with the others in the community, to correct this issue.
'EDIT: I had an issue after copying the above text, and pasting it into an email msg in Outlook, you may need to copy and paste to Notepad, then copy from Notepad and paste it into your email message.'
If you do not e-mail Stardock, the game may continue to stay broken. V2.02 is one of the last Major updates. Since it's been said only game ending bug fixes will be addresses, and no new functionality, I am assuming they will get to it eventually.
It's too the point where I almost don't feel like starting a new game ever, because I know it's going to be a test between me, Toria, and Terrans, and perhaps Thalan, with everyone else being useless fluff in the way. I know there will always be bugs, and AI is no easy thing to program, and usually I just don't mind them, but after a while when it starts to feel like I'm playing a broken game, the 'enjoyment' of the game starts to fade away. But all in all, Stardock still did a great job on GalCiv2 and they are very supportive and actually care about the games they make.