[download @nexus - direct link]
[nexus mod page]
[download @dropbox - direct link]
*** Description
REQUIRES DLC 5, Sovereign Pack to use -- will not function without it.
This mod assigns to each sovereign released in DLC05 a unique and distinct ZoC, leaderboard, and primary clothing color, and a new set of city names. The Sovereign's faction name will also appear properly in all game instances, including the leaderboard and within diplomatic relations.
The impetus for these changes come from my frustration with random colors being assigned to the new sovereigns when they are added as opponents to a game, and the use of the gut-wrenching random name generator for the faction and city names.
*** Installation
1. Unzip the folder [MQP_DLC05_Sovereign_Revamp_vxx] into My Documents/My Games/LegendaryHeroes/Mods folder.
2. Enable 'Use Mods' in game options.
3. Requires a new game. Enjoy!
*** Unistallation
1. Delete the [MQP_DLC05_Sovereign_Revamp_vxx] folder from My Documents/My Games/LegendaryHeroes/Mods folder.
2. Start a new game.
*** Compatibility
Should be compatible with most mods unless they are accessing the same core xml as this one, which is, in most instances,
unlikely. If you do notice issues that appear to be related to this mod, contact the mod creator(s) so we can resolve the
issue promptly.
*** Screenshots
I think this screenshot says it all.