Quoting Ashbery76, reply 32
Is this any different from our many skin colors (none blue) coming from a blue planet?
I would agree blue is probably the most rare of human skin colors, but this not impossible. This is caused from imbreeding. I think it is a blood absortion problem I don't really know about what causes this except it is caused from inbreeding.This happened amongst hillbillies once. Who's to say that if to blue people got together they couldn't breed other blue people. Maybe they formed their own communities, or maybe these communities got together. Who's to say that these communities got together, and wiped out the other.. Now assuming that the blue people came from different families not the same family in the beginning of this problem this might not as big of a genetic problem as before.
.We know that our scientist say that it is not a good idea to marry someone closer than your third cousin. The bible says don't marry someone closer than your first cousin in the book of leviticus. Considering that everyone were really slow in science. At least in propulsion unless you are areans. Which is a good solution to space folding. Maybe the A;tarians were slow in other areas of science to like genetics involving messed up genes. Meaning that there is no prohibition for this making this disorder more common amongst Altarians more than humans.
I have noticed that when I shave my beard or hair and haven't shaved in awhile there are blue spots where my hair was cut hinting that the natural color of peole under the hair is blue. If you believe in evolution then you would believe that we've might of been bald for 3.8 million years. Who's to say that they might not have lived on a cold planet that only recently warmed up, causing their Heldebierg to have evolved hair until recently. Meaning that they have recently lost their fur.
Maybe if they stayed in the caves a lot longer than we invented the house instead, or we became farmers. Maybe they didn't invent farming until later, or recently.
Still waiting for the backstory on how the dread lords transported the Neanderthal or the Heldabierg from Europe to Altaria leading to the Eventiul excile of the Drath from Altaria.
Now considering that we are kind of Yellowish hue kind of like our sun, how can we say that a different kind of star wouldn't cause a different color of people. I've seen this scenario for black plants instead of green plant for a different kind of star. I don't remember what kind of star this scenario was for.The Altarians could be from a different kind of star than our own, or even a different star than a red star. Even though this is the most like star in the universe.
A friend of mine have pointed out that the Hindus have pictures of blue people. After the above thing that I originally learned in science about genetics. I would say that there was probably some incest going on that produced blue people somewhere in India somewhere that gave them this idea.
Lets not forget about the Blue Persian cat. That is a land animal not a sea animal. Meaning that the blue color is possible on land. I think it is caused from an off gray coat, but that is really just my opinion.
After all this you have to say that a blue Altarian is possible.