Negative Abilities adds options to get negative ability-scores in exchange for more Customization Points at the start of the game. This allows for more interesting possibilities in creating your race.
If you want, you can also change the amount of Customization Points you start with. This is done via RaceConfig.xml. I provided ones for Dark Avatar, Twilight of the Arnor, and my other mod, Autumn Twilight. There are four variations: Standard provides 10 Customization Points for all races, Medium provides 8, Hard provides 5, and Impossible 0 (for custom races, it's 15, 13, 10, and 5).
You can download Negative Abilities here.
I hope you have fun with this mod!
How to install the mod:
For Dark Avatar and Twilight of the Arnor:
1. Download and unzip the mod, then place the Negative Abilities folder into GalCiv 2's mod-folder. If you are using the standard installation path, this should be:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock Games\Galactic Civilizations II – Ultimate Edition\Mods
If you installed the game into a different location, or are using the Steam-version of the game, use that path instead.
2. Optional: Go to the 'Negative Abilities\TotA' folder (or 'Negative Abilities\DA', if you are playing Dark Avatar), and copy the RaceConfig.xml from either the 'Standard', 'Medium', 'Hard', or 'Impossible' sub-folder into the 'Negative Abilities\Data' folder.
3. Start the game and go the Options-menu. On the 'Game' tab, activate the 'Use Mods' option and change the 'Current Mods Directory' so it points to Negative Abilities.
4. Restart the game, so the changes take effect.
For Autumn Twilight:
1. Download and unzip the mod.
2. Copy the AbilityBonuses.xml from 'Negative Abilities\Data' into the 'Autumn Twilight\Data' folder. When asked to overwrite the file, click 'Yes'.
3. Optional: If you want a harder game, copy the RaceConfig.xml from either 'Negative Abilities\AT\Medium', 'Negative Abilities\AT\Hard', or 'Negative Abilities\AT\Impossible' into the 'Autumn Twilight\Data' folder. When asked to overwrite the file, click 'Yes'. (The file under 'Standard' is the same one as in AT. You can use it, if you want to go back to the original values.)
LTJim – provided the idea for this mod