Hey everyone! I've uploaded a new version.
It's another big update. In some cases even more so than the last one. So, let's get started:
I've noticed that I forgot to change the names of some of the Campaign-files. This means that, despite my claim to the contrary in the OP and readme, they will overwrite some of the original files when installing them. Sorry about that. While trying to fix this mistake, I noticed that my changes didn't work properly. They got overwritten somehow. I looked into it and made an astounding discovery: the campaigns do work from the mod-folder. According to the the modding-guide and the structure of the mod-folder, campaigns are supposed to be placed in the folder Mods\Mod Name\Data\Campaigns, but they don't actually work from there. They do, however, work when placed into Mods\Mod Name\Campaigns.
What does this mean for Autumn Twilight? Well, installation just became a whole lot easier. No need for installation-instructions just for the campaigns anymore. No more messing around with the game-folders, risking overwritting original files. Just place the whole mod into the designated mod-folder and you're set.
General tech changes
The Life Support techs have a bonus to the Range-ability again, although lower than the vanilla value (max. 100%, instead of 160%).
Industrial Revolution provides a 10% bonus to Social Production again.
General planetary improvement changes
Traditional Factory, Advanced Factory, Xeno Factory, and Manufacturing Center have their vanilla buildcosts again (50, 75, 100, and 150 respectively), while the Industrial Sector costs now 250.
The Fusion Power Plant, Anti-Matter Power Plant, and Quantum Power Plant are back to their old selfs as upgrading 1pps. The only difference to the vanilla versions is that the AMPP has a maintenance of 3bc (instead of 4bc) and the QPP a buildcost of 375 (instead of 450). I just wasn't happy with the changes. They just never felt right. The factory-users either ended up too weak or too powerful compared to the vanilla game. There is still the risk that the player or the AI end up being unable to rebuilt the Power Plants under some circumstances (the reason why they got changed in the first place), but I think it's worth taking. I mean, the 1pp-bug has been around for years, and how many people have complainged about being unable to build the Power Plants or the Navigation Center? It's too rare of a occurence to dictate game balance, in my opinion.
I've increased the cost of the Research Lab, Research Center, Research Academy, Invention Matrix, Discovery Sphere, Research Coordination Center, and the Neutrality Learning Center to 50, 75, 100, 150, 250, 200, and 455 respectively. They used the same cost-progression as the factories, and I want to keep it that way.
The standard morale improvement are now slightly cheaper, and the Entertainment Network and Multimedia Center use different Icons and QueryGraphics.
The pop. growth bonus of the Fertility Center is now +50%. I'm still not sure, if that is too high, but it definitely helps the AI in quickly growing its population.
The Artifical Slave Center has its old tech requirement, cost, and Icon and QueryGraphic. It just felt odd that the Drengin/Korath got the same kind of bonus from the same tech multiple times.
The Omega Defense System no longer provides a planetary defense bonus.
The Propaganda Center now costs 300, the Mind Control Center 1200, the Galactic Bazaar costs 900 again, the Galactic Showcase 1200, the Temple of Evil/Righteousness/Neutrality cost 1600 again, and the Secret Police Center cost 300 now.
The Tir-Quan Training now has a +50% planetary defense bonus.
I removed the Historical Preserve GA again.
Cleaned up some of the descriptions.
The Innovation Complex SP has its vanilla bonuses again. The Creativity bonus just felt too strong.
The Xeno Slavery tech no longer provides bonuses to Military Production and Research, and the Social Production bonus is +5% again.
Enhanced Slavelings and Artficial Slavelings no longer provide a bonus to Social Production.
Pain Amplification only provides a +5% bonus to Research again.
The Death Furnace 1pp has a maintenance of 5bc again.
The Slaveling Training Center and Artificial Slave Pods 1pps are back (cost 250 and 330 respectively, maintenance 5bc, +20% manufacturing).
The Slaveling Imagination Lab and Improved Slaveling Lab cost 40 and 60 again, while the Ultimate Slaveling Lab now has a maintenance of 5bc, a cost of 180, and provides 12rp again.
I also removed the Agony Coordination Grid 1pp again. It made balancing research too difficult.
They no longer have access to the techs Good and Evil, Concepts of Malice, Concepts of Righteousness, and Balanced Vision again.
The tech requirement for Creative Good, Paradise Worlds, and Righteous Might is back to Xeno Ethics.
They no longer have a Courage bonus.
The Navigation Center 1pp upgrades to Temple of Navigation again
They no longer have a Courage bonus.
The Maintenance Grid has its old Icon and QueryGraphic again.
The techs Efficiency Studies I, II, III provide a Economics bonus of 5%, 10%, 10% respectively again, and the Efficiency Center 1pp is back (cost 100, maintenance 2bc, +25% economy). I ran a few tests, and the tax income is actually higher this way (despite the maintenance of the Efficiency Center).
The tech Biological Studies no longer provides bonuses to Social and Military Production, and instead has a +10% bonus to Morale.
The Distributed Energy Matrix is a 1pp now, costs 250, has a maintenance of 5bc, and gives a manufacturing bonus of +30%.
They no longer have access to the tech Creative Good.
I removed the Diplomatic Brain Trust SP again. It just didn't feel fitting.
They no longer have a bonus to Loyalty.
They've lost access to the techs Good and Evil, Concepts of Malice, Concepts of Righteousness, and Balanced Vision again.
Their unique Ethic tech require Xeno Ethics again.
Defense Industries no longer provides a bonus to Military Production.
They no longer have a bonus to Research, and their Logistics value is now 20.
Their strength is now designated as "+ Precursor Technologies" instead of "+ Research".
The tech Precursor Studies no longer provides a Research bonus again.
The Precursor Library improvement has its vanilla stats again (1pp, cost 50, maintenance 5bc, 16rp, +10% research).
They have their +25% bonus to Morale again.
The cost of the Graft of Ages 1pp is back to 300.
They have their +25% bonus to Diplomacy again.
All in all, the balancing is almost back to vanilla status. Just a bit more fine tuned. I'm actually quite pleased with the results.
Well, I hope you like the changes too and have fun playing!