I would like to see more tactical spells for each spell book along with a selection of Expert Spell Books such as Nature, Enchantment and Necromancy. Too often in WOM I was able to research all the spells = boring. A wider selection of spells would also make combat less predicatable.
Suggestions for new spells for the Core Spell Books
Example: Fire - https://forums.elementalgame.com/410931
Example: Air - https://forums.elementalgame.com/410836
Example: Earth Spells - https://forums.elementalgame.com/410654
Suggestions for Expert Spell Books
Example: Nature Book - https://forums.elementalgame.com/410914 . A book of spells focused on magic that affects/summons animals and plants.
Example: Enchanment Books - https://forums.elementalgame.com/410689 . A book of spells focused on controlling and confusing the enemy.
Example: Spider Book - https://forums.elementalgame.com/410687 - spells from the Spider book are only available to those that complete a quest and recover the spell book of a long dead (?) Channeller who was obsessed with controlling, summoning and mimicing giant spiders.
Example: Necromancy - spells from the book of Necromancy are available only to those that complete a quest and recover the spell book of a long dead channeller whom was focused on building an army of the undead. Requires knowledge of Death Magic Spell Book. A kingdom that recovers this spell books can deny a Wraith Sovereign access to this magic.