Allow Dr. Malar to direct research under advisement from the council: +, +, +, +, + Pass 5-0
Conduct targeted espionage against Thalan interests should a prime opportunity arise: +, +, 0, +, + Pass 4-1-0
Technology Exchange
Sell weapons and other technologies to our friends (Krynn, Gnolams, Trilarian): +, +, 0, +, + Pass 4-1-0
Proposed trade with Thalans: -, -, 0, +, 0 Fail 1-2-2
Proposed trade with Iconians: +, +, 0, -, + Pass 3-1-1
Proposed trade with Torians: +, +, +, +, + Pass 5-0
Proposed trade with Yor: +, +, 0, +, + Pass 4-1-0
Foreign Aid
Provide material aid to Drengin upon request: +, +, 0, 0, 0 Pass 2-3-0
Councilor Signature:qrtxian, NikolaiOmega, SarcFa, Noctilucus, Mambaman