For some random reason I thought I would make this list after reading in some old threads about how cool it would be if a Dungeon Keeper 3 was made.
Just in case some developer picks it up and they decide to makes some "improvements" here is what we wouldn't want (yes I speak for everyone cause I'm arragant like that):
1) Being able to pick up monsters and put them anywhere
It was in the first and second game and it made the whole premise silly. What was the best way to defend the dungeon? Was it to arrange rooms and traps carefully so heroes would encounter things they didn't want to and not find the treasure/heart?
No it was to pick up every single monster under your command and then drop them on the heroes heads and watch them all die. Pointless. Crap.
2) Rainbow Bright dungeons
The first 2 games were actually really colourful and were a mix of dank dark dungeons and colourful spells. We want the style of the first game, it was a perfect fit for an evil overlord hiding under the ground recruiting monsters to his cause. Do not give us bright blue/orange/green whatever rooms, keep it dark. Related to this, for the love of god don't make it that we are actually the good guys somehow, the good guys are the heroes coming in plate armour and magic imbued weapons, we want to be the evil gits, it's part of the dark humour of the original.
3) RPG elements
Oh my god how many times have I read the features of a game to have RPG elements to the game, esspecially RTS sequels or FPS. Jesus christ I DONT WANT TO PUT POINTS IN TO STRENGTH AND STAMINA in my monsters. I don't want them to have talent trees, fuck off! Wrong game genre and totally missplaced when used anywhere other than an RPG!
4) Multiplatform
Well these days it's unlikely anyone would pick up the license if they weren't going to try make the most money from it. I can live in hope that they would make it all it could be for a PC gamer and not have our game tainted for the console market and all the usual mistakes developers make for them.
5) Majesty 2
Don't make Majesty 2 mistakes. Don't make the whole experience more gamey. Notice how Majesty 1 felt more like a kingdom sim than Majesty 2? Majesty 2 thought that making constant monster spam makes it more fun. In truth it makes it feel less like you are attracting heroes who will wonder the land and do their own thing than you are just hiring body guards who constantly have to defend the kingdom or follow your flags. Rubish.
We don't want to be constantly attacked by heroes, look at the first game non dungeon vs dungeon levels. We rarely got attacked but when we did it was significant. That's what we want to play for.
6) A genre other than Dungeon Keeping
If they had of called Overlord "Dungeon Keeper 3" I would have cried. Don't make this an FPS, a typical RTS or a hack and slash. Just make more of the same. We don't get great games in the same genre as Dungeon Keeper / Majesty anymore, and I'll never know why 
7) Single / Multiplayer only
These days games NEED multiplayer, esspeically a new Dungeon Keeper. Even if a gamer mostly plays this genre in Single Player they can still get turned off with single player only because multiplayer says longevity. Plus they will want to encourage friends to get the game and share their love of it with the promise of some 1v1 games or a comp stomp. Also don't skrimp on Single Player, as much as forum users are mostly multiplayer gamers most gamers are Single Player gamers and a game in a Dungeon Keeper universe needs a great level based campaign complete with evil advisor inbetween levels.
8) Forgeting the I in AI
Most gamers are single player gamers. Even multiplayer gamers like me have fun pitching ourselves against AI and have a many player game with the ability to save and without having to beat the ultimate click fest strategy.
Get the AI to be competative without cheats. That extra post support money needs a chunk reserved for AI improvements when you realise how players are gaming the AI.
9) Don't deliver us 85% of the game with 15% payable extra DLC.
Work out your budget and make it so 20% of the budget of developing the game is post release. Give yourselves a chance to shape the game in to what it should be, patch out the bugs and give us a little extra. We are likely to buy a limited edition with a DK3 artbook and extra skins for heroes and monsters but I'm unlikely to pay for 4 more multiplayer maps, I'll just feel robbed and gutted that it divides the players.
10) Don't forget sandbox
Seriously, we pay good money for games. We want to come back after we've completed it and make our own challenges. When kids were given a stick and a hoop they didn't just play one game type over and over with it, they used to play all sorts of things with that stick and hoop, give the game longevity.