I'm sorry but why would an autistic kid need this? Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't autistic mean something different? IIRC autistic children are just as smart as others(and usually smarter) although they have some issues with being independent, but they mostly have social problems not I can't dry myself after the shower problems. Obviously I don't have an autistic son, so you may know more about it.
A lot of autistic children are easily distracted (also applies to ADHD ofcourse) and when you tell them to do something, you often need to tell each step over and over again. This is not because they are not smart enough (our son has a tested IQ of 115) but they depend a lot on visuals and structure.
With those visualizations we can tell him to look back were he was in his task and continue from there. After a while this becomes second nature. And without the need to tell him over and over again what he should do he will continue his task himself.
I've made a small introduction video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_hx3BUxPdM of picto selector.
(For you're information. I've had a lot of responses of parents who are very glad with this tool. At least there are a lot of children who benefit)