You are quite confused. Let me see if I can help you.
One of your problems is the assumption that there is a free market in the USA. There isn't. Never has been. Never will be.
"Free market" is a code phrase for "whatever is good for big business and the super-rich." It is a managed market - managed by those entities, for the good of those entities. Period. Make no mistake - the last thing big business and the super-rich want is an actual "free market." "Free market" to them means a market managed or manipulated to assure the maximum amount of profits to them. Often that means an unfree market to YOU, the citizen or consumer, which is exactly what they want. A free market would have let all the big banks fail, as well as General Motors and the other car companies. A republican - George Bush (supposedly "anti-socialist pro-free market") - bailed all these big businesses out with trillions of taxpayer dollars, because the big businessses ordered him to do so. Obama - a democrat - took it a step further when he got into office.
As far as heath care goes, the reason big business (i.e. "the free market") opposes socialized health care is because big business created and profits from the current system. Big business is the "vested interest" in the equaltion (the health insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies, etc). Why would they want to kill their golden goose?
Why do some American people froth at the mouth at socialism? Because there are two "football teams" in America. One football team is the democrats, with their fans all screaming and hollering on their side. The other team is the republicans, with their fans all screaming and hollering on their side. The republican team is the side that will chant the anti-socialist slogans, because they, just like their counterparts on the other side, will chant whatever their puppet masters want them to chant. It's one of their empty slogans. The funny thing is, republican rule is just as "socialist" as democrat rule (George Bush bailed out big Wall Street banks with trillions of dollars - not much of a "free market" as you see, but the big banks were all for it) but they don't complain when republicans engage in socialism, which they always do. Another of their empty slogans is "no nation building!" chanted quite a lot when Bill Clinton was in office. This empty slogan was quickly forgotten when George Bush entered the Oval Office, as he was the biggest nation builder of all time. Both sides have lots of empty slogans. They don't mean anything.
Obama had no intentions of changing the health care system, as you suggest. Obama is controlled by the same big business and super-rich who control all politicians in the USA. The goal was to pretend to change something, while changing nothing. This is why the pharmaceutical and health insurance companies were actually allowed to write the legislation! That's right - the people who were going to be "regulated" in the "new system" were the people writing the new regulations, which is why you got one new regulation on the American citizen stating that he would be REQUIRED BY LAW to purchase health insurance, and would be fined if he didn't (Yay! Free new customers for the health insurance industry! Does this sound like a free market to you?). Yes, the industry was saying "Please don't throw us in the briar patch!" which is exactly where they wanted to be thrown. Or, actually, they didn't care either way. If the current system was kept (which looks likely), they would be happy with that. If we moved to the new system which they created by writing the legislation, they would be happy with that too. Heads, they win. Tails, you lose.
That concludes the lesson for today. I hope you learned something.