It's a bit of a pity, because the game does interest me. The review I skimmed through didn't give it too high of a score, but what do they know, after all? I was a huge fan of the Ghostbusters when I was a kid. It's got that "easy 80's" feeling we all love and cherish, even though I'm an '86.

Quoting DauntlessAnsible,
Retail PC version has 5 Securom activation and revoke tool thankfully.
But real great news is game may be come to Steam. I hope that will happen and I hope game will be released worldwide.
my guess is this would be why impulse doesnt have it yet.
I've come to the concusion the DRM on the disk isn't as bad as not being able to play the game , because the story is freaking awesome!

Edit: Had to remodel my post. These forums are screwy as usual.