I just bought the Uber Edition of GalCivII after pirating and absolutly loving Dark Avatar. I was kind of expecting to have fun with Metaverse only to realise it was down
. Of course I became pissed, nearly sending in a angry email before seeing this post.
With majority of publishers (I'm looking to you EA!) brushing off the fan's pleas for anwsers and getting to a fix eventually, I consider SD a god-send. Although that might be overstated a bit, SD has given a (somewhat) clear explaination of why the MV is down and what is happening to fix it. When SD gives us a little hint of an excuse, others would most likely give us the cold shoulder or a generic "STFU we are working on it!". I have seen MANY games like Demi-God where expectations are misjudged and things go wrong, SD is not the only one here people. Though I agree that problems with Demi-God should not drain into other games, I realise that SD is not like other developers who have an infinite amount of people to throw at oncoming issues as soon as they arise. I'm stuck living with Campaign and Free-Play for now, I feel kind of ripped off but I know SD will not let me down and will hopefully get MV fixed.
Then again I am also someone who plays STALKER and has no problems with the occasional crash so maybe I am just use to bugs and dissapointments by now -.-.