Small update, everyone-
by now members of teams A, C and E should have received a PM from me requesting confirmation of their intention to play in round 11. JustinSane will be doing the same for teams B and D, as well as players who signed up towards the end of last round. i didn't PM a couple people who formally withdrew, but just in case i missed anyone, if you haven't gotten a PM from me or JustinSane by tomorrow, please say something!
also, just so it's no great secret to teams B and D, here's the jist of the message.
The we are planning to being round 11 this Saturday, which is a big part of the reason we've askd for PM confirmations of everyone's participation.
We think round 11 will be exicting because we will be trying some new things. I don't want to give everything away too soon, and i don't think it'll be too much of a surprise to announce early that we'll be piloting an "all victory, mixed settings" round. We'll announce the details of how this will work later, but suffice it to say we're hoping a couple of the things we're doing will create an interesting, even exciting round, encouraging greater team cooperation and adding new dimensions to how teams go for bonus points. So that'll be all for now, hope to see you all back for round 11, and please feel free to bring a friend!