ok I pirate Microsoft Office 07. Will i ever buy it? no.
Will you ever buy a Ferrari? No. Does that justify stealing one? No.
If you make a good enough product people will buy it.
Yes. Many people buy candy. Which will henceforth serve as my example.
And people will pirate it.
Yes, and people will steal candy bars from stores. If caught, guess what? They still have to deal with the law.
A pirated copy holds no value in a hypothetical sale because it's basically a demo
That's like saying a candy bar holds no value in a hypothetical sale because it's a sample.
if a pirate likes the program enough or game, he might even buy it.
And if somebody likes M&Ms enough when they first steal them, they might buy M&Ms the next time they go into a store. However, I'd like to see a court rule that stealing a candy bar is justified by a potential future sale.
Sorry, theft is theft, future potential sale or not.
And believe me most pirates actually buy shit.
And a thief stealing a candy bar might buy gasoline for his car. Who cares?
Rationality means doing what's in your best interest.
It simply means reasoning about your actions. It does not mean your actions are always in your best interest. You could possibly act in the interest of others at the expense of yourself.
Pirates don't care about your nice little ideal society where they don't exist. They DO. End of discussion. Nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do will stop that.
So that's the rub. You can either continue to smash your head against a wall trying to figure out how to fight against them or you can figure out ways to use them to your advantage (speaking from a company's point of view i.e. distribution) or work AROUND them.
Blizzard just won a case against a bot designer, successfully suing him for violating their terms of use. The case isn't over yet, but he could be facing some serious punishment. I'd say that's far from head smashing.
The problem isn't piracy, it's bloody fools who think that the only world that should exist is their ideal and blindly keep trying to push it into existence despite its impossibility.
If we have no law, we have no way of guaranteeing rights. If we have no guarantee of rights, then people will violate them, that's our nature. What we end up with is total chaos and lots of violence.
We're not pretending that the ideal is reachable. However, that does not mean we give up and let total chaos reign. One extreme is unreachable, but the other extreme is undesirable. So what we do is we move away from the undesirable as much as we can. No, we can't be perfect, but that's not the point. The point is that we do the best we can with what we have. The journey is worth it, even though the goal won't be seen in this life.
Think of it like economics: Does a company ever get exactly the numbers they predict? No, often they will be a bit above or a bit below. Sometimes a lot. Does that mean we give up on economics because our predicted numbers are not perfect to every digit? Of course not. Just because you can't do something perfectly doesn't mean you stop trying altogether. That's silly.
UTOPIA DOES NOT EXIST. Get used to it and figure out how to deal with it.
We're not saying Utopia exists. We've figured out ways to deal with it. You just don't like the ways we've chosen to deal with it.