Shut Up Now
Nope... It was Member Number 2379736 expressed in binary form - only.
here i am, the fool, believing you were all knowing
yes, indeed it does
This was some quality necroin'.
Yep, and there's still 13 zeros in it!
One thing that surprises me is the relatively low number of trolls & other undesirables on the game forums. Or maybe it's just a case of delete-happy devs.
We let a lot more stand than most forums do actually. It takes a special troll to be removed.
I can attest to that, only one of my posts have been deleted, and it was an after the lock retort that the mod didn't leave standing due to the inability of my target to reply. To see just how graceful they are, subtract one from my post count, and you'll see about how many should have been deleted.
My opinion... GOD NO! This is Stardock Forums. They are way more friendly then most other site's forums. It will just lead to spaming of negitive charma and bam you can't chat cause someones just being a jerk... Also I get overexcited and that sometimes really pisses people off.... so ya. No thanks the system works great!
i'd be happy with a working version for positive karma in firefox
Check your karma.
zyx has been known to shall we say, upset things in my small world of the forum. but you are absolutely correct. two trolls do not make a prince. i hope that you and all accept my this thead i thought only he was listening. I was wrong twice.
btw, you're medals don't display. are they with another character?
Yeah kizz my butt (don't give me negative karma).
Take it or leave it... my weird personality shows up in all good & bad ways - i check my own ethics often, can tone down when it matters, would stress in emergency situations like every smart & emotional humans i meet in public.
Typing replaces a voice over and two senses we can't use here.
I DO listen and watch though. Speak up or be silenced.
got no problem with you zyx, it was just a nudge. the apology to all certainly included you. i did speak up and now i am silent.
its still 0, thanks for helping my point
Which is odd since you have karma somewhat recorded here:
but it doesnt show lol
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