Extremely complex issue, and for better or worst, that is one thing that set apart the PC gaming from console gaming.
Pickiness of PC customers.
Sadly, both casual pc gamers and old timers have become spoiled gamers. Games like Starcraft, WoW, Diablo, Age of Empires, C&C, Half-life, Civilization, etc. They are all polished and very good at what they offer. People who play those games today get used to their level of polish. A level that many new and innovative games being released simply can not match (right out in release). So IMO, its not that gamers are conservative, its that they are spoiled, and want every game to be flawless or else it sucks.
Hardware concerns.
Always have been, always will be. It will never change. Most gamers will always not have high-end dream machines.
Although developers seems to have forgotten it. Crysis' devs expected people to dish out over $500 for upgrades simply to play the game.....
The main issue between consoles and PCs, and the issue that is really the root of most arguments of "console vs PC" is the control scheme.
Now a days, this argument is stupid, on the PC, one can configure and use a controller to play a game. And I have heard that consoles like the Xbox can use a keyboard and mouse.
Either way, it does not matter at all. The control scheme issue is purely personal. Only real reason a gamer would end up using a control scheme he does not like is if the game forces it.
DLC, subscription packages for franchises & digital distribution as well as modifiability and a sense of community will be the saving graces for PC games.
Pretty much all of that aside from modding is already started or growing with the current-gen consoles.
Ahh, one of my favorite arguments as to why PC gaming is dying.
It is true, consoles now have many features that were previously only on the pc, like internet gaming, modding, communities, etc.
BUT!!! In reality, that is not proof of PC gaming dying at all, its proof of console gaming becoming PC gaming!!!!
Just look at the price of consoles, the gap in price between a mid-range PC and a console is closing. And Sony, et al have said many times that consoles' prices are below what they really cost to make.
MechWarrior games (pc) to MechAssault (console)
MechWarrior and MechAssault are completly different games. MechWarrior is a Sim, MechAssault is action shooter, completly different.