@ Everyone who reads this thread:
I've been thinking long and hard today about the current state of the forums, the Metaverse, and the interest of gamers in Galactic Civilizations II. Here's what my thinking has showed me: Galactic Civilizations II is losing popularity and it is losing its dedicated fan-support. Something has to change.
As I mentioned earlier, the state of GalCiv2 can be compared to the economy of America. It is terrible. Like the economy, the state of GalCiv2 was once incredible. I believe that, just like the economy will be great again someday, the GalCiv2 forums, MV, and etc. will be great again, too. Whether we have to wait for New Frontiers or GalCiv3 or whatever, it will be great again someday.
I may be a new player, but I feel like I enjoy GalCiv2 as much, if not more, then the most experienced of players. Because of my pride in this game, I am going to try and jumpstart the forums and the MV, and the overall love of the game for all of the fans. What I will do will be drastic. It may or may not work, but at least I can say in the end that I tried. No matter if I fail or suceed, I tried.
I'm not going to get into the specifics of what I am going to do, but trust me when I say that it'll be drastic. You may be wondering how you will know when I have started my campaign for GalCiv2. Trust me when I say this: You will know it's me when you see it. You will know.
One last thing. I ask you all to please not think that I am taking this all too seriously. I may seem pretty fanatic, but I just want to make a difference. I'm not a "super-nerd" who sits in front of a computer 24/7. I actually do have a life. I just believe that, since I have a plan for making the GalCiv2 universe better, I owe it to everyone else to at least try to make my plan work. This game is without a doubt the greatest game I have ever played, and I don't want to see it die. So please, don't judge me or flame me over this. Like I said, I just want to try and help GalCiv2. Thanks and Best Regards now and always.
~ Cypher ~