Hi, You know my name coz it's right next to this post (cpt. obvious) so i'm gonna skip the introductions. In short I like your empire and when my game arrives I was hoping that I could join it. I'm not a professional player but I am committed and will get scores up, no matter how small or large they may be.
oh by the way, I'm very impressed that 50 of you manage to keep a pace with the Kzinti empire that has 400. If you ahd a few more members I can just imagine how the Tyranny of Evil could surpass Kzinti.
Looking forward to your answer and hoping it's a yes.
Welcome young prey creature. The Tyrants seem to be sleeping as of late, but I'm sure one will rouse soon from his slumber to open the halls of darkness. The Kzinti look forward to meeting you in battle, for we are always hungry... 
edit: Ah, Motti beat me to it... 
Sentient species taste better...