I played across 2 days I think, but I had time to sit on it for hours mate. I didn't colonize too extreme first off, I just took about the sectors around my home, maybe about 20~25 planets and then focused on getting my Econ going. I didn't build the MCC till I'd colonized those planets and really needed an Econ boost, plus I held off on the SCC for a bit too. I was lucky to have an Econ resource near my home planet so I took full advantage of that. once I was heading in the right direction, I went back to building colonizers and took maybe another 50 or so, built a farm on each and econed the rest of the planet.
Like u said mate, the minors made the difference tho, especially in gaining tech.
Just as soon as I was going green in bc, I started going after the major races. I perhaps left more than 60~70% of the planets untouched, just took down the majors, used their Manu production in the spaceports to build another troop ship and just kept leapfrogging. Had to build a few military ships, but the seemed to be building nothing but freighters, to the point of killing their Econ.
By this afternoon i should have new rig up and running and will get another game going. I'm thinking a medium game with some mumbled tactics. By that I mean maxing out tech, all resources, population and building out Econ on every planet.
Speaking of population, can u recall the pop sweet spot for planets. Was it 13B or were we taking each planet out to 20B?