Well i lived with a girl for 3 years, who played Warcraft 2/3, Starcraft, Settlers 3, civilisation 2.
Her favorit was diablo 2, she was the paladin and i was the Amazone archer (thats where i made the name Multianna, since the amazon could shot multi arrows)
In settlers 2, i had to loss a few times to make her keep playing

But in civilisation 2, she kick my ... so much hehe.
But in general, i think girls dont like playing games at all...
btw how you guys seen the Battlestations: Midway Sneak Peek on gamespot?
In the studio there was 2 ppl who played the demo, 1 of them was a girl, and she wiped his base in notime haha.
So if girls starts to play more, do we guys need to feel threatened?
btw2 Blair said in another tread. That they had a girl playing sins and she was quite good